Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Global Warming By Benjamin Ngiam

Global Warming

Global warming is due to various causes, such as pollution from factories, excessive burning of fossil fuels and methane emissions from animals. The growing global market has led to increased pollution from factories. Increased international traveling and transportation of goods also contribute to greater carbon dioxide emission from the burning of gasoline.

This is a global warming mindmap.

Diagram by courtesy of

There is now a growing concern that global warming can cause drastic climactic changes that will disrupt our lives. Increasingly, we are experiencing extreme weather events such as prolonged snow fall or droughts.

Global warming causes prolonged snowfall.

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Global warming causes a drought.

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Global warming has also led to a rise in sea level due to the melting of the ice caps at the polar regions.

Polar bears are often left standing on melting icebergs.

courtesy of

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the United States monitors the condition of the atmosphere and the oceans.

To help stop global warming, we should reduce, reuse and recycle. Planting trees, carpooling and buying local produce are other simple ways to reduce global warming.

Everyone can help in the international effort to reduce global warming.

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